
Faculty Positions

Faculty Positions

Institute of Computational and Modeling Science

National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan



The institute invites applications for tenure-track faculty
positions at the assistant, associate, or full professor level, 
starting from August 2023. We are looking for candidates with 
specialty and outstanding research performance in Applied
Mathematics, Scientific Computing, Artificial Intelligence.
Applicants shall have Ph. D. on Applied Mathematics or related subjects.

Applicants need to prepare the application material as one PDF
file less than 10MB, which includes (1) curriculum vitae, (2) list of
publications and up to five representative works, (3) future research
plans, (4) the contact information of three references, and (5) teaching plans.

Please send the application to icms@my.nthu.edu.tw.

Applications received by Nov. 15, 2022 are given full consideration
for the recent round, but all applications are considered until positions are filled.

Futher information about our institute can be found on the website : https://icms.site.nthu.edu.tw/