演講者:王埄彬 教授 (長庚大學通識教育中心)

王埄彬教授(長庚大學 通識教育中心)



講題:Competition for resources with internal storage in variable habitats

摘要:Competition for resources is a fundamental topic in theoretical ecology. There
has been a lot of mathematical models in competition studies. The simplest
competition models neglect differences between individuals, using one ordinary
differential equation to govern the dynamics of each species. These population
dynamics are coupled to dynamics of one or more resources by assuming a constant
quota of nutrient per individual, or equivalently, a constant yield of individuals from
consumption of a unit of resource. In fact, quotas may vary, leading to variable-
internal-stores models.
Ecologists are interested in the mechanism of coexistence/diversity in competitor
communities. In this talk, I first review a mathematical model of two species
competing in a well mixed chemostat for one resource that is stored internally. For
this simple model, two or more species cannot coexist, a result known as the
Competitive Exclusion Principle. After introducing additional factors such as multiple
resources, toxin mortality, intraguild predation, and spatially/ temporally variations
into the model, we find that coexistence or bistability (where outcomes depend on
initial conditions) becomes possible.

This talk is based on my recent works joint with Drs. James P. Grover , Sze-Bi Hsu,
Jifa Jiang, King-Yeung Lam, Hua Nie, Junping Shi, and Xiaoqiang Zhao.
