演講者:蔡昇甫 教授 (國立中央大學數學系)

蔡昇甫教授(國立中央大學 數學系)



講題:Logica -- a declarative query language for Big Data

摘要: In this presentation, we will introduce an open-source
declarative query language called Logica. It was invented around
2019-2020 by Evgeny Skvortsov, the speaker's colleague during his time
at Google. Querying databases to perform analysis is a very usual task
in the modern world, and queries often get extremely complicated in
order to do sophisticated analysis. These complicated queries are hard
to write correctly and even harder to read and maintain. Contrary to SQL
based on natural language, Logica is based on first-order logic and
therefore much more expressive and descriptive. Length of query could be
significantly reduced with much more clarity and readability.
