演講者:周世偉 教授 (東吳大學財務工程與精算數學系)

演講者:東吳大學財務工程與精算數學系 周世偉教授

時間:2022年4月19日 下午1點10分

地點:校本部第二綜合大樓8樓 A813 教室

Applications of mathematics in FinTech

In this talk, we will discuss several examples of applications of mathematics in FinTech. Why should we be excited about the FinTech. FinTech means “financial technology”. It provide a new way people pay, send money, borrow, lend, and invest. Crowdfunding and crowdsourcing are increasingly becoming household names.
    There are two main types of motivation in this talk. Firstly, we generalize logic from mathematics. We define functions for reality problem. Find the algorithm to optimize of these cost functions. The calculus, linear algebra and statistics are the basis for a broad variety of algorithms. Secondly, the data analysis is a relatively new tendency in informatics. Training of prediction models is a very important work, especially for work with unstructured data. Furthermore the structured data published by Crowdsourcing platform is then made open and available for anyone to view or download. There are two approach to collection the data. First, we dig deeper into traditional qualitative content. Crowdsourcing platform provide structured data derived from such unstructured sources as project. Secondly, data sets can be formed as other processes. Transaction data such as consumer to consumer, or business to customer, web traffic for other purposes. An increasing number of businesses are turning to  business to business that offer solutions to common problems for indirect spend management.
