計算與建模科學研究所 Institute of Computational and Modeling Science                     

劉晉良 Jinn-Liang Liu

職  稱 教授
最高學歷 美國馬里蘭大學數學博士
學術領域 數值分析、生物離子通道、半導體物理
電  話


傳  真 (03)5611228
辦 公 室


電子郵件 jlliu@mx.nthu.edu.tw
個人網頁 http://mx.nthu.edu.tw/~jlliu/ 







個  人  著  作


  1. D.-H. Lee and J.-L. Liu, End-to-end deep learning of lane detection and path prediction for real-time autonomous driving, Signal, Image and Video Processing, (2022).
  2. J.-H. Chen, J.-L. Liu, S.-D. Jheng, S.-C Cheng, and T.-F. Jiang, Modeling photoelectron spin polarization of xenon atoms in intense circularly polarized pulses, J. Optical Society of America B (2021).
  3. D.-H. Lee, K.-L. Chen, K.-H. Liou, C.-L. Liu, J.-L. Liu, Deep Learning and Control Algorithms of Direct Perception for Autonomous Driving, arXiv:1910.12031, (2019)Applied Intelligence 51, 237-247 (2021).
  4. C.-L. Li and J.-L. Liu, Generalized Debye-Hückel equation from Poisson-Bikerman theory, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 80, 2003-2023 (2020).
  5. J.-L. Liu and B. Eisenberg, Molecular mean-field theory of ionic solutions: a Poisson-Nernst-Planck-Bikerman model (Free Copy), arXiv:2004.10300, Entropy 22, 550 (2020). 
  6. D.-H. Lee, K.-L. Chen, K.-H. Liou, C.-L. Liu, J.-L. Liu, Deep Learning and Control Algorithms of Direct Perception for Autonomous Driving, arXiv:1910.12031, (2019).
  7. J.-H. Chen, J.-L. Liu, S.-D. Jheng, S.-C. Cheng, and T.-F. Jiang, Study of the circular dichroism of He+ ionJ. Optical Society of America B 36, 3597-3606 (2019).
  8. J.-L. Liu and C.-L. Li, A generalized Debye-Hückel theory of electrolyte solutions (Free Copy), AIP Advances 9, 015214 (2019). 
  9. Chin-Lung Li and J.-L. Liu, A Generalized Debye-Hückel Equation from Poisson-Fermi Theory, arXiv:1808.02757 (Free Copy), (2018).
  10. S.-D. Jheng, T.-F. Jiang, J.-H. Chen, and J.-L. Liu,Magnetic quantum number dependence of hydrogen photoelectron under circularly polarized pulse in barrier suppression ionization regime, Physica Scripta (2018). (SCI: 1.902)
  11. J.-H. Chen, R.-C. Chen, and J.-L. Liu, A GPU Poisson-Fermi Solver for Ion Channel SimulationsarXiv:1711.04060 (Free Copy), Comput. Phys. Commun. 229, 99-105 (2018). (SCI: 3.936)
  12. J.-L. Liu and B. Eisenberg,Poisson-Fermi Modeling of Ion Activities in Aqueous Single and Mixed Electrolyte Solutions at Variable Temperature, arXiv: 1801.03470 (Free Copy), J. Chem. Phys. 148, 054501 (2018). (SCI: 3.333)
  13. J.-L.Liu, D.Xie, and B.Eisenberg,   https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/cmb.2017.5.issue1/mlbmb-2017-0007/mlbmb-2017-0007.xml (Free Copy), Mol. Based Math. Biol. 5, 116-124 (2017).
  14. R.-C. Chen, C.-H. Li, and J.-L. Liu, A posteriori error control in numerical simulations of semiconductor nanodevices, Comput. Phys. Commun. 207, 287-297 (2016). (SCI: 3.635)
  15. D. Xie, J.-L. Liu, and B. Eisenberg, Nonlocal Poisson-Fermi model for ionic solvent, Phys. Rev. E 94, 012114 (2016). (SCI: 2.33)
  16. J.-L. Liu, H.-j. Hsieh, and B. Eisenberg, Poisson-Fermi modeling of the ion exchange mechanism of the sodium/calcium exchanger, J. Phys. Chem. B 120, 2658-2669 (2016). (SCI: 3.696)
  17. J.-L. Liu, A quantum corrected Poisson-Nernst-Planck model for biological ion channels, Mol. Based Math. Biol. 3, 70-77 (2015). (Free copy is here.)
  18. J.-L. Liu and B. Eisenberg, Numerical methods for a Poisson-Nernst-Planck-Fermi model of biological ion channels, Phys. Rev. E 92, 012711 (2015). (SCI: 2.33)
  19. J.-L. Liu and B. Eisenberg, Poisson-Fermi model of single ion activities in aqueous solutions, Chem. Phys. Lett. 637, 1-6 (2015). Frontiers Article (SCI: 1.99)
  20. J.-L. Liu and B. Eisenberg, Poisson-Nernst-Planck-Fermi theory for modeling biological ion channels, J. Chem. Phys. 141, 22D532 (2014). (SCI: 3.333)
  21. J.-L. Liu and B. Eisenberg, Analytical models of calcium binding in a calcium channel, J.Chem. Phys. 141, 075102 (2014). (SCI: 3.333)
  22. J.-L. Liu and B. Eisenberg, Correlated ions in a calcium channel model: A Poisson-Fermi theory, J. Phys. Chem. B 117, 12051-12058 (2013). (SCI: 3.696)
  23. J.-L. Liu, Numerical methods for the Poisson-Fermi equation in electrolytes, J. Comp. Phys. 247, 88-99 (2013). (SCI: 2.31)
  24. J.-L. Liu, Mathematical modeling of semiconductor quantum dots based on the nonparabolic effective-mass approximation, Nanoscale Systems: Mathematical Modeling, Theory and Applications, 1, (2012) 58-79. (Free copy is here the most downloaded article since 2012/12.)
  25. C.-T. Lee and J.-L. Liu, A Hamiltonian model and soliton phenomenon for a two-mode KdV equation, Rocky Mt. J. Math., 41, 1273-1289 (2011). (SCI: 0.312)
  26. C.-C. Lee,C.-T. Lee, J.-L. Liu, and W.-Y. Huang, Quasi-soliton of the two-mode Korteweg-de Vries equation, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys., 52. 11301 (2010). (SCI: 0.771)
  27. J.-H. Chen and J.-L. Liu, A numerical method for exact diagonalization of semiconductor quantum dot model, Comput. Phys. Commun., 181, 937-946 (2010). (SCI: 3.268)
  28. Y.-C. Hsieh, J.-H. Chen, S.-C. Tseng, and J.-L. Liu, The effect of band nonparabolicity on modeling few-electron ground states of charge-tunable InAs/GaAs quantum dot, Physica E, 41, 403-407 (2009). (SCI: 1.532)
  29. R.-C. Chen and J.-L. Liu, Nonstationary monotone iterative methods for nonlinear partial differential equations, J. Comp. and Applied Math., 233, 859-877 (2009). (SCI: 1.112)
  30. C.-T. Lee, J.-L. Liu, C.-C. Lee, and Y.-H. Kang, The second-order KdV equation and its soliton-like solution, Modern Physics Letters B, 23, 1771-1780 (2009). (SCI: 0.474)
  31. R.-C. Chen and J.-L. Liu, An accelerated monotone iterative method for the quantum-corrected energy transport model, J. Comp. Phys., 227, 6266-6240 (2008). (SCI: 2.372)
  32. O. Voskobyonikov, J.-L. Liu, and J.-H. Chen, Magnetically driven coupling of electronic states in quantum dot molecules, Physica Status Solidi (C), 3, 3656–3659 (2006).
  33. C.M.J. Wijers, O. Voskoboynikov, and J.-L. Liu, A hybrid model for the magneto-optics of embedded nano-objects, Physica Status Solidi (C), 3, 3782-3785 (2006).
  34. J.-L. Liu, J.-H. Chen, and O. Voskoboynikov, A model for semiconductor quantum dot molecule based on the current spin density functional theory, Comput. Phys. Commun., 175, 575-582 (2006). (SCI: 2.120)
  35. C. M. J. Wijers, J.-H. Chu, J.-L. Liu, and O. Voskoboynikov, Optical response of layers of embedded semiconductor quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 74, 035323 (2006). (SCI: 3.075)
  36. O. Voskoboynikov, C. M. J. Wijers, J.-L. Liu, and C. P. Lee, Magneto-optics of layers of semiconductor quantum dots and nano-rings, Braz. J. Phys., 36, 383-386 (2006).
  37. O. Voskoboynikov, C. M. J. Wijers, J.-L. Liu, and C. P. Lee, The magneto-optical response of layers of semiconductor quantum dots and nano-rings, Phys. Rev. B, 71, 245332 (2005). (SCI: 2.962)
  38. O. Voskoboynikov, C. M. J. Wijers, J.-L. Liu, and C. P. Lee, Interband magneto-optical transitions in a layer of semiconductor nano-rings, Europhys. Letter, 70, 656-662 (2005). (SCI: 2.075)
  39. R.-C. Chen and J.-L. Liu, A quantum corrected energy-transport model for nanoscale semiconductor devices, J. Comp. Phys., 204, 131-156 (2005). (SCI: 1.762)
  40. T.-M. Hwang, W.-W. Lin, J.-L. Liu, and W. Wang, Jacobi-Davidson methods for cubic eigenvalue problems, Num. Lin. Alg. Appl., 12, 605-624 (2005). (SCI: 1.402)
  41. T.-M. Hwang, W.-W. Lin, J.-L. Liu, and W. Wang, Fixed point methods for a semiconductor quantum dot model, Math. and Comp. Modelling., 40, 519-533 (2004). (SCIE: 0.425)
  42. R.-C. Chen and J.-L. Liu, An iterative method for adaptive finite element solutions of an energy transport model of semiconductor device, J. Comp. Phys.,190, 141-158 (2003). (SCI: 1.762)
  43. W. Wang, T.-M. Hwang, W.-W. Lin, and J.-L. Liu, Numerical methods for semiconductor heterostructures with band nonparabolicity, J. Comp. Phys., 189, 579-606 (2003). (SCI: 1.762)
  44. R.-C. Chen and J.-L. Liu, Monotone iterative methods for the adaptive finite element solution of semiconductor equations, J. Comp. and Applied Math., 159, 341-364 (2003). (SCI: 0.567)
  45. J. Jou and J.-L. Liu, A posteriori least-squares finite element error analysis for the Navier-Stokes equations, Numer. Funct. Anal. and Optimiz., 24, 67-74 (2003). (SCIE: 0.616)
  46. Y. Li, J.-L. Liu, S. M. Sze, and T.-S. Chao, A new parallel adaptive finite volume method for the numerical simulation of semiconductor devices, Comput. Phys. Commun., 142, 285-298 (2001). (SCI: 1.170)
  47. Y. Li, J.-L. Liu, O. Voskoboynikov, C. P. Lee, and S. M. Sze, Electron energy level calculations for cylindrical narrow gap semiconductor quantum dot, Comput. Phys. Commun., 140, 399-404 (2001). (SCI: 1.170)
  48. J. Jou and J.-L. Liu, An a posteriori finite element error analysis for the Stokes equations, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 114, 333-343 (2000). (SCI: 0.567)
  49. J.-L. Liu, Exact a posteriori error analysis of the least squares finite element method, Appl. Math. Comput., 116, 297-305 (2000). (SCI: 0.816)
  50. J. Jou and J.-L. Liu, A posteriori finite element error analysis for symmetric positive differential equations, Numer. Funct. Anal. and Optimiz., 20, 473-490 (1999). (SCIE: 0.616)
  51. J. Jou and J.-L. Liu, A posteriori boundary element error estimation, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 106, 1-19 (1999). (SCI: 0.567)
  52. J. Jou and J.-L. Liu, A nonconforming weak residual error estimator for elliptic partial differential equations, Taiwanese J. Math., 3, 339-356 (1999).
  53. S.-Y. Yang and J.-L. Liu, A unified analysis of a weighted least squares method for first-order systems, Appl. Math. Comput., 92, 9-27 (1998). (SCI: 0.816)
  54. J.-L. Liu, I.-J. Lin, and M.-C. Hsieh, An outline of adaptive computation: theory, implementation, and applications, J. Chinese Soci. Mech. Engrg., 19, 149-157 (1998).
  55. S.-Y. Yang and J.-L. Liu, Analysis of least squares finite element methods for a parameter-dependent first-order system, Numer. Funct. Anal. and Optimiz., 19, 191-213 (1998). (SCIE: 0.616)
  56. S.-Y. Yang and J.-L. Liu, Least squares finite element methods for the elasticity problem, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 87, 39-60 (1997). (SCI: 0.567)
  57. I.-J. Lin, D.-P. Chen, and J.-L. Liu, Adaptive least squares finite element methods for the Stokes problem, J. Chinese Soci. Mech. Engrg., 18, 267-281 (1997).
  58. J.-L. Liu, On weak residual error estimation, SIAM J. on Scient. Comput., 17, 1249-1268 (1996). (SCI: 1.361)
  59. J.-L. Liu and W. C. Rheinboldt, A posteriori finite element error estimators for parametrized nonlinear boundary value problems, Numer. Funct. Anal. and Optimiz., 17, 605-637 (1996). (SCIE: 0.616)
  60. J.-L. Liu, I.-J. Lin, M.-Z. Shih, R.-C. Chen, and M.-C. Hsieh, Object oriented programming of adaptive finite element and finite volume methods, Appl. Numer. Math., 21, 439-467 (1996). (SCI: 0.835)
  61. J.-L. Liu, A finite difference method for symmetric positive differential equations, Math. Comp., 62, 105-118 (1994). (SCI: 1.155)
  62. J.-L. Liu and W. C. Rheinboldt, A posteriori finite element error estimators for indefinite elliptic boundary value problems, Numer. Funct. Anal. and Optimiz., 15, 335-356 (1994). (SCIE: 0.616)
  63. J.-L. Liu, Weak residual error estimates for symmetric positive systems, Numer. Funct. Anal. and Optimiz., 14, 607-619 (1993). (SCIE: 0.616)
  64. W. C. Rheinboldt and J.-L. Liu, A posteriori error estimates for parametrized nonlinear equations, Nonlinear Computational Mechanics, P. Wriggers and W. Wagner, ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 31-46 (1991).
  65. A. K. Aziz and J.-L. Liu, A Galerkin method for the forward-backward heat equation, Math. Comp., 56, 35-44 (1991). (SCI: 1.155)
  66. A. K. Aziz and J.-L. Liu, A weighted least squares method for the backward-forward heat equation, SIAM J. on Numer. Anal., 28, 156-167 (1991). (SCI: 1.335)


  1. C.M.J. Wijers, O. Voskoboynikov, and J.-L. Liu, A hybrid model for the magneto-optics of embedded nano-objects, The 4th International Conference on Semiconductor Quantum Dot (QD-2006) was held in Chamonix – Mont Blank, France, May 1-5, 2006.
  2. O. Voskobyonikov, J.-L. Liu, and J. H. Chen, Magnetically driven coupling of electronic states in quantum dot molecules, The 4th International Conference on Semiconductor Quantum Dot (QD-2006) was held in Chamonix – Mont Blank, France, May 1-5, 2006.
  3. Y. Li, S-S. Lin, S-M. Yu, J.-L. Liu, T-S. Chao and S.M. Sze, Parallel Dynamic Load Balancing for Semiconductor Device Simulations on a Linux Cluster, Proceeding of Modeling and Simulation of Microsystem, (2001), pp. 562-566.
  4. Y. Li, O. Voskoboynikov, J.-L. Liu, C.P. Lee and S.M. Sze, Spin Dependent Boundary Conditions and Spin Splitting in Cylindrical Quantum Dots, Proceeding of Modeling and Simulation of Microsystem, (2001), pp.538-542.
  5. Y. Li, J.-L. Liu, T.-S. Chao, and S. M. Sze, Parallel Dynamic Partition and Adaptive Computation in Semiconductor Device Simulation, Proceeding of Tenth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, (2001), pp. 685-694.
  6. Y. Li, S. M. Sze, J.-L. Liu, and T.-S. Chao, A new parallel adaptive finite volume method for the numerical simulation of semiconductor devices, Proceeding of Conference Computational Physics, (2000), p. 138.
  7. Y. Li, P. Chen, J.-L. Liu, S. M. Sze, and T.-S. Chao, Adaptive finite volume simulation of semiconductor devices on cluster architecture, Recent Advances in Applied and Theoretical Mathematics, WSES Press, (2000), pp. 107-113.
  8. J.-L. Liu, Y. Li, T.-S. Chao, and S. M. Sze, Internet and parallel computing in semiconductor device simulation, Signal Processing, Communications and Computer Science, N. E. Mastorakis, ed., World Scientific and Engineering Society Press, (2000), pp. 199-203.
  9. J.-L. Liu, Y. Li, and R.-C. Cheng, An energy transport model for semiconductor device, Proceedings of Mathematics Conference '99, Taipei, Taiwan, C.-T. Shieh et. al., Ed. (2000), pp. 474-481.
  10. Y. Li, S. S. Chung, and J.-L. Liu, A novel approach for the two-dimensional simulation of submicron MOSFET's using monotone iterative method, Proceedings of International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications, (1999), pp. 27-30.
  11. M.-C. Hsieh, I.-J. Lin, and J.-L. Liu, An adaptive least squares finite element method for Navier-Stokes equations, Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics: Development and Applications of Parallel Technology, C. A. Lin et al., Ed., Elsevier (1999), pp. 443-450.
  12. J.-L. Liu, A weak residual error estimator for variational inequalities, Proceedings of the Workshop on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Nat'l Chung Cheng Univ., Taiwan, Jan. 14-16 (1993), pp. 223-232
  13. J.-L. Liu, Error estimators for finite element solutions of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations, Advances in Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations - VII, R. Vichnevetsky, D. Knight and G. Richter, Ed. , IMACS, (1992), pp. 459-463.
主持計畫名稱 執行期限 經費 支助單位
界面電化學與電動力學之連續暨分子理論、建模、與模擬 2020/08/01-2022/07/31 1,365,000 科技部
生物離子通道之理論與模擬 2018/08/01-2020/07/31 1,781,000 科技部
智慧製造跨校跨域教學策略聯盟計畫 2017/09/15-2019/01/31 250,000 教育部
國立清華大學申請增設計算與建模科學研究所 2016 教育部核定通過
生物離子通道之泊松-能斯特-普朗克-費米理論與模擬 2016/08/1-2018/07/31 1,488,000 科技部
生物離子通道之泊松-費米理論:模型與方法 2014/08/01-2016/07/31 1,696,000 科技部
模擬生物離子通道之數學建模與數值方法 (1-3) 2013/08/01-2014/07/31 1,049,000 國科會
北區高中學生數學科學研究人才培育計畫 2011/08-2012/07 650,000 教育部
量子流體之數學建模、數值方法、與應用(1)-(3) (含專任助理) 2010/08-2013/07 3,338,000 國科會
北區高中學生數學科學研究人才培育計畫(含專任助理) 2010/08-2011/07 800,000 教育部
半導體量子元件之數學模型與數值方法(1)-(3) (含博士後研究、專任助理) 2007/08-2010/07 4,216,534 國科會
南區高中學生數學科學研究人才培育計畫(1)-(3) 2006/08-2009/07 4,500,000 教育部
國立高雄大學應用數學系申請增設博士班 2006 教育部核定通過
計算半導體奈米結構(1)-(3) 2004/08-2007/07 2,561,600 國科會
半導體奈米結構之數值模擬(1)-(2) 2002/08-2004/07 2,203,300 國科會
有限單元,有限體積與邊界單元之適應性計算(1)-(3) 1999/08-2002/07 4,340,800 國科會
適應性計算之理論、實行與應用(1)-(2) 1997/08-1999/07 1,549,100 國科會
線性與非線性問題的期後誤差估計 1996/08-1997/07 562,0000 國科會
適應性數值計算(1)-(3) 1993/02-1996/07 1,385,000 國科會
有限單元計算的誤差估計 1992/02-1993/01 430,500 國科會

共同主持計畫名稱 執行期限 經費 支助單位
奈米結構合成材料的磁光效應(1)-(3) 2004/08-2007/07 3,125,000 國科會


