演講者:黃皓瑋 教授 (國立清華大學數學系)

黃皓瑋教授(國立清華大學 數學系)



講題:Additivity Violations of Random Quantum Channels of Non-White Wishart Types

摘要: Most core problems in quantum information theory have elementary
formulations but still resist solutions, one of which is the additivity conjecture of
the minimum output entropy of quantum channels. All previously known results,
including extensive numerical work, are consistent with the conjecture until it
was shown to be false by Hasting and successive works by others. In this talk,
we will briefly introduce the history and developments regarding this problem,
present our random quantum channels composed of non-white Wishart ensembles
and explore their additivity violations. The noted additivity violations occurring
in our constructed random quantum channels are acquired by utilizing random matrix theory.
