
演講者: 王琪仁 教授 (中正大學數學系)

演講者:王琪仁 教授 (中正大學數學系)

標題:Fokker-Planck analyses for molecular transport and Lattice reaction-diffusion equation for autocatalysis


地點:校本部第二綜合大樓8樓 813 教室

摘要: Inhibited passing of reactant and product molecules within the linear pores of nanoporous catalytic materials strongly reduces reactivity. The dependence of the passing propensity P on pore radius R is analyzed utilizing Langevin dynamics to account for solvent effects.  Deeper insight comes from analysis of the corresponding high-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation, which facilitates an effective small-P approximation, and dimensional reduction enabling utilization of conformal mapping ideas. Bistable nonequilibrium systems are realized in catalytic reaction-diffusion processes, biological transport and regulation, spatial epidemics, etc. Behavior in spatially continuous formulations, described at the mean-field level by reaction-diffusion type equations (RDEs), often mimics that of classic equilibrium van der Waals type systems. Spatially discrete analogs of these mean-field formulations, described by lattice differential equations (LDEs), are more appropriate for some applications, but have received less attention. We show that this feature, together with an orientation dependence of planar interface propagation also deriving from spatial discreteness, results in the occurrence of entire families of stationary droplets.


