Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (西達賽奈醫療中心) 陳翔瀚研究員

演講者 : Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (西達賽奈醫療中心) 陳翔瀚研究員 

時間:2022年5月24日 下午1點30分

地點:採線上演講,連結為 https://meet.google.com/cym-ogjg-nrx

講題:Applications of Data Analytic Modeling for Seizure Prediction

摘要 : Data analytic modeling for seizure prediction using intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG)

signal has attracted significant attention over recent decades. However, there are no
technologies that can achieve accurate seizure prediction, in particular online prediction. This
talk presents a novel system for online prediction of lead seizures, in which a novel machine
learning called Group Learning is applied to address modeling challenges of online seizure
prediction using sparse high dimensional iEEG data.